Thursday, July 29, 2010
Cameras Inside Uterus
In September we started the course with a special Intensive Dance, Bollywood, Belly Dance with Veil and Double Veil, Cane, Wings of Isis, Introduction to Tribal and Tribal Fusion and Gothic.
DATES. 18,19,25 and 26 September
DURATION: 2 hours per workshop (schedule TBD)
PLACE: CDO Sports Center
PRICE: 22 € workshop (18 € for students of dance partners Shazad and CDO)
For people who are interested in performing the two Tribal workshops have a special price of 42 € (34 € for students and members of the CDO )
registration now open, limited seats.
To register:
Tel: 665699661
more information soon.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Vodka Effects Impotence
ANUNCIADA.IV CHRONICLE OF A DEATH. The kele, frog endemic to Lake Titicaca: Telmatobius culeus (Garman 1876) (Amphibia: Telmatobiinae)
different phenotypes
Dedicated al Dr. Esteban O. Lavilla
Referente en Herpetología y referente de persona
Maestro, colega y sobre todo amigo…
This frog is the greater representative of the Telmatobius genus. One is an endemic species, mainly circumscribed to the most beautiful Titikaka lake shared between Bolivia and Peru. At international level (IUCN) it shows in estatus of CR (Threatened in Critical Danger) whereas at national level (Bolivia) it has identical estatus (In Critical Danger). The tendency populations of this species today is in declination… The main Causes are 1. - Contamination by sewage waste, pesticides remainders, gasoline, etc. 2. - Extraction of reeds and submerged vegetation 3. - Exotic species. 4. - Use leather and gourmet kitchen for use, 5. - Aphrodisiac.
It is Not Possible to Be Wanted, to be loved, to Be conservative ... What It Is Not known or not does one know if it exists ... That Wants E. Richard
This frog is the greater representative of the Telmatobius genus. One is an endemic species, mainly circumscribed to the most beautiful Titikaka lake shared between Bolivia and Peru. At international level (IUCN) it shows in estatus of CR (Threatened in Critical Danger) whereas at national level (Bolivia) it has identical estatus (In Critical Danger). The tendency populations of this species today is in declination… The main Causes are 1. - Contamination by sewage waste, pesticides remainders, gasoline, etc. 2. - Extraction of reeds and submerged vegetation 3. - Exotic species. 4. - Use leather and gourmet kitchen for use, 5. - Aphrodisiac.
It is Not Possible to Be Wanted, to be loved, to Be conservative ... What It Is Not known or not does one know if it exists ... That Wants E. Richard
Lake Titicaca (Huiñaymarka) from San Pedro de Tiquina. Huatajata bay front, one of the last habitat of Telmatobius culeus . June 13, 2010. Panasonic Lumix FZ 50, Leica Vario Elmarit 35-420.
Telmatobius culeus , special copy of cephalocaudal length 19 cm and 335 g in weight. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
This frog is the largest member of the genus Telmatobius . It is an endemic species, mostly confined to the beautiful Lake Titicaca between Bolivia and Peru shared. This lake is 3800 meters and the water, with high oxygen content, typically have an average temperature of 10 0C. In this context, lives Telmatobius culeus , a frog in its heyday reached a size of 25 cm and as documented the great oceanographer Jacques Yves Cousteau to 1 kg in weight. One of its most remarkable peculiarities is its full adaptation to the aquatic environment, for which evolutionary increased irrigated area as cutaneous respiratory surface, a feature that allows you to experience life underwater without taking atmospheric air and absorb the necessary oxygen from his coat. It feeds mainly on molluscs gastropods ( Littoridina Taphius spp and spp), crustaceans, amphipods (Hyalella spp), aquatic insects (Perez Bejar 2002) are common in the submerged vegetation of the lake as well as smaller fish Orestias. Polymorph presents a major according to their populations and geographical distribution in Lake Titicaca. According to specialists, this complex corresponds to a single species (Benavides 2005), but the differences in coloration, morphology and their size and their occurrence in different habitats lead me to believe, unequivocally, that these differences beyond ...
different phenotypes
Internationally (IUCN) holds in status CR (Critically Endangered Threatened) (Icochea et al 2010) while at national level (Bolivia) is identical status ( Critically Endangered). The trend populations of this species now in decline ... why? Let's see ...
Amphibians are the species most susceptible to contamination of their habitats. But in this case, being a fully aquatic species, the sensitivity is higher, especially for using coat main respiratory organ. Most rivers in the city of El Alto, dumping their solid waste, sewage and chemicals in the Lake Titicaca, which uses its vegetation, especially cattails, debugging (Inside certain limits, of course) ... But all the towns circumlacustres also turn their sewage and garbage of all kinds in the lake and east in an attempt to disengage from it literally "throw up" on their cost marked with concentric rings of garbage and floating debris and submerged vegetation permeated gas and motor oil (in Huatajata Yacht Club is the world's tallest and the landing of commercial vessels) (See Richard 2010th, 2010b). Probably the most harmful forms of pollution are the batteries, most of them long-standing and therefore with high cadmium and mercury ... In recent years the lake has begun to receive pesticide residues also increasingly used in crop circumlacustres. Landfills today are common and normal thing in the lake and fish mortality as well, especially the ispis ( Orestias ispi ) (Richard 2010th, -of-a-death-anunciadai-la.html ). The fuel waste pollution now affecting the underwater vegetation and chemistry molluscs and crustaceans that are eaten by Telmatobius culeus and to which the mass usually found dead on the shores of Lake ...
Details a cemetery shells in the Bay of Huatajata. These are driven by the tide of the lake and accumulate in large quantities and large areas. The high mortality caused by pollution receiving lake. These mollusks are a large part (66% fide Perez Bejar 1998) trophic spectrum culeus Telmatobius . May 9, 2010. Panasonic Lumix FZ 50, Leica Vario Elmarit 35-420 .
Detail of previous photo. May 9, 2010. Panasonic Lumix FZ 50, Leica vario Elmarit zoom from 35 to 420 mm.
2 .- EXTRACTION Totora and submerged vegetation:
The reed is fundamental in the life cycle of the species since the female lays them ( fide Perez Bejar 1998). The reeds are removed (even burned) to massive livestock feed (see Richard 2010th, 2010b ) so this reduction is critical habitat for the species. The submerged vegetation is the trophic support, habitat and niche of molluscs and amphipods that feed (66% and 30% respectively, fide Perez Bejar 1998) to Culeus Telmatobius . This vegetation is removed in large numbers to feed exotic livestock (cattle, sheep, Asnar, etc.) When you run out of reeds (Schoenoplectus Tator californicus) (See more Richard 2010a). This reduces the effective area of \u200b\u200bhabitat and food niche of the species dramatically.
mass removal of submerged vegetation (Mostly Miriophyllum elatinoides and to a lesser extent Elodea and Potamogeton Potamogeton sp), food items and niche support of the molluscs, crustaceans and insects that are food Telmatobius majority culeus . Ajaria Grande, April 18, 2010. Polaroid DC 30.
Both the trout (Oncorhynchus mikiss ) as the silverside ( Odontesthes bonariensis) are predators of this species both juvenile frogs and their tadpoles. The trout farms, are becoming more numerous in the lake and are promoted as a resource (?) For local communities by various NGO's. Trout up to 70 cm are caught today on Lake Titicaca and their stomachs are small remnants of both frogs and tadpoles (Obs. pers. San Pedro de Tiquina, May 2010).
Trout Hatcheries craft floating in the Bay of Huatajata (the mighty Illimani in the background.) May 9, 2010. Panasonic Lumix FZ 50, Leica vario Elmarit zoom from 35 to 420 mm.
female trout ready to spawn (37 cm in length). In the lake, looking for prey among others, tadpoles and juvenile culeus Telmatobius . Huatajata Bay. Panasonic Lumix FZ 50, Leica vario Elmarit zoom from 35 to 420 mm.
Extractive fishing bound to offer exotic dishes mostly foreign tourists Huatajata restaurants and villages between this place and San Pedro de Tiquina as well as in Copacabana significant impact on populations Telmatobius culeus . Why? Let's review concepts of ecology. Telmatobius culeus is a species with characteristics of specialist end of the gradient r K - K. Human beings to satisfy their culinary interests artificial selection performed by extracting the most important and successful examples ecological and evolutionary, the largest, the most successful reproductive, the most successful adaptive. For this reason, the impact on the population maximum. It is unfortunate that humans take from nature the best examples from the process of natural selection, leaving it less suitable, thus the evolution of the species is literally doomed. This situation also explains why the average size of fish taken each year and reduce fishing areas are being reduced, so it is necessary to find new areas (Interviews with fishermen in frogs, February, May and June 2010). This means if we think that the dish offered are the frog legs and these should be relatively large size great to meet demand. Each course offered has a minimum of 10 rear legs (see photo), so it must be sacrificed five frogs per dish. On the weekend, one of the restaurants tested, serves an average of 12 plates of frog leg, which means sacrificing thirty adults reproductive success by the weekend. This is 1440 adult frogs per year on average for each restaurant (only Huatajata to 2010 there are 7 that serve this dish, which would mean a consumption of 10,080 adult frogs per year ....) The plate of single frog legs (10 legs, the show has 20) has an average cost of 35 Bs, ie U.S. $ 5 U.S.. no longer as great as absurd paid $ 5 to eat a critically endangered endemic species ...
There is also another reason for catching large fish, leather. With him are made in USA wallets on the market are priced between 70 and 120 U.S. $ according to information obtained directly from exporters who sell them ... to 40 - 60 Bs piece ... What do we mean? Let's see it graphically, because it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words ...
Huatajata poster on the route - Tiquina that offer frog legs. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Special copy cephalocaudal 19 cm in length, with others waiting for your meal preparation ... Huatajata Gourmet, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Special copy cephalocaudal 19 cm in length, with others waiting for your meal preparation ... Huatajata Gourmet, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Preparation of a frog "in view of the customer," Huatajata, 18 April 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Preparation of the frog "in view of the customer", note the careful removal of the leather. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Removing leather frog. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
evisceration of the animal. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
The final product. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
extended leather to move to the subsequent drying phase. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
The sad fate of five adults Telmatobius culeus Huatajata ..., April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
And then??
After we spoke to the gatherer of leather who informed us retail costs and profits related to market leather culeus Telmatobius ... Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
leathers Telmatobius culeus dry and ready for export to USA ... Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
5 .- Aphrodisiac or advocacy of human stupidity ...
From 2003 to date (2010) come documenting the increasing use of the species as an aphrodisiac. In this case, and as a counterpoint to the previous used copies of small and medium size. Live frogs are introduced into a blender with other ingredients such as honey, quail eggs, extract of maca, mote corn, etc. After about 30 seconds, leaving the blender green liquid that is offered to 5 Bs (nearly one dollar) a small vessel. By vendors that vessel is sufficient to trigger sexual vigor for a week!. This true apology of human stupidity deserves reflection. First, Titicaca frog aphrodisiac NOT one and listen to the charlatans who claim otherwise is just making an apology for the stupidity and ignorance supine. Secondly, it's amazing the proliferation of supposed aphrodisiac products that operate with a more psychological than anything else. But the truth is that such a proliferation of aphrodisiac products also indicates a growing demand for such products concern ... Which also indicates a serious and growing problem of human sexual problem, but please gentlemen, if you need anything for sex, scientifically tested and proven effective as sildenafil called (compound UK-92, 480) or more commonly by its trade name VIAGRA. So please stop live frogs that have nothing to do with human sexual activity viagra buy yourself one that is going to get better ...
Copies of culeus Telmatobius in a tank waiting for their final destination ... Blender ... To meet the endless human stupidity. Desaguadero June 16, 2005. Fuji Finepix 205 .
Seller viagra frog, showing the preparation of fraudulent impunity brew with live frogs ... Desaguadero June 16, 2005. Fuji Finepix 205.
After serving the beverage preparation ... Desaguadero June 16 2005. Fuji Finepix 205.
As stated previously, Lake Titicaca, this beautiful haven for wildlife and biodiversity, including numerous endemic species of different biological groups, whose ajayu , according to the tradition of Pukina peoples, Aymara and Quechua is protected by the Pacha Mama, is now at risk ... what? Of losing their ajayu forever as a result of a "Pachacidio (fide Barral Zegarra 2009) derived from functional illiteracy. In the absence of contextual education, by and for Bolivia ... In this series, "Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel García Márquez paraphrase, we will continue to show first hand, all with the hope that we reflect on what we do on this spectacular site and species, belongs to all Bolivians and the planet. Because you can not manage what you do not know, can not love what you do not know ... and why it is necessary to love? For love is the fundamental and primary input to preserve ... Nobody loves no preserved what (Richard 2003) ... And why do we keep? Knowing to love, love to keep, keep to prosper ... (Richard and Z. Contreras 2010). Because you can not succeed, never mind sustainable development based on the destruction of a finite planet (Richard and Contreras 2010) ... Huinaymarca Because the lake and all its biodiversity is a legacy from our ancestors, our heritage and by definition those who care for and love their heritage are patriots ... My question remains: Where are the patriots? ...
result, research is needed today as a state policy ...
Research to know ...
knowledge to manage ...
Educate to keep ...
Store to thrive ...
Because ...
can not love, love, keep
... so do not know or do not know if it exists ...
E. Richard
I invite you ...
BENAVIDES, E. 2005. The Telmatobius ''species complex in Lake Titicaca: Applying phylogeographic and coalescent Approaches to evolutionary studies of Highly polymorphic Andean frogs.''Studies on the Andean Frogs of the Build and Telmatobius Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Monographs of Herpetology, 7. EO Lavilla and I. De La Riva, eds., Herpetological Asociación Española, Valencia.
ICOCHEA, J., S. Reichle, I. DE LA RIVA, U. SINSCH, J. Kohlen 2004. Telmatobius culeus. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.2. . Downloaded on 24 July 2010.
BEJAR PEREZ, ME 1998. Diet and annual cycle gametogénico Telmatobius culeus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) on Lake Titicaca (Huaiñaimarca). Theses opt for the holder of a degree in Biology, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, 140p.
BEJAR PÉREZ, ME 2002. Evaluation of the population of the giant frog in Bolivia. Project Subcontract 21.22 Biodiversity Conservation in the Titicaca Basin System, Desaguadero, poop, Salar de Coipasa (TDPS). Binational Authority of Lake Titicaca (UNDP)-Institute of Ecology-FUNDECO UMSA, La Paz, 114p.
BEJAR PEREZ, E.. 2009. Telmatobius culeus (Garman 1876). Pp 111 to 112. In: Luis F. Aguirre, Rodrigo Aguayo, Jose Balderrama, Claudia Cortez & Teresa Tarifa. Red Book of wildlife vertebrates of Bolivia. Ministry of Environment and Water, La Paz, Bolivia. 571 pp.
RICHARD E. 2010th. CHRONICLE OF A DEATH ANUNCIADA.I. The Titicaca Kenolaba: Rollandia microptera (Reptiles [ex Birds]: Podicipediformes). Environment and Biota of Bolivia, Bulletin n0 1 (1): 32 p. DOWNLOAD
RICHARD E. 2010b. CHRONICLE OF A DEATH ANUNCIADA.II. The Titicaca Kenolaba: Rollandia microptera (Reptiles [ex Birds]: Podicipediformes). Environment and Biota of Bolivia, Bulletin 1 (2): 27 p. DOWNLOAD
RICHARD E. and D. CONTRERAS ZAPATA. 2010. Environmental Education for the third millennium. A tribute to Mother Earth. Course notes for training trainers. Multimedia EcoDreams Ed. 366 p. La Paz, Bolivia. DOWNLOAD
Made in Bol Ia iv
For American ...
For Patria Grande ... Latin America ...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
How Do I Get A Confiscated Id Back
Donation: 3 euros (proceeds will go entirely to fund costs of organizing the meeting)
plataformapalestina @ gmail.
Donation: 3 euros (proceeds will go entirely to fund costs of organizing the meeting)
plataformapalestina @ gmail.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
O.p Aggarwal In Chemistry
ANUNCIADA.III CHRONICLE OF A DEATH. The wonderful sponge endemic to Lake Titicaca: Balliviaspongia wirrmanni Volkmer Boury-Esnault and Rivero 1991. Bulletin
Balliviaspongia wirrmanni Exemplary green by the presence of symbiotic algae taken from a reed stalk extracted to feed livestock (San Pedro de Tiquina, Bolivia 10 September 2005). Fuji FinePix 205.
The lake is considered by BirdLife International (Devenish et al 2009) as an Area of \u200b\u200bImportant Bird (AICA BO018) and as the lake-side Chicuito Peruano (AICA PE097) both components of Lake Titicaca. In the case of Peru, Lake Chicuito is integral and inseparable part of the National Reserve of Lake Titicaca.
Huiñaymarka Lake, from the viewpoint of San Pablo de Tiquina. Up front, San Pedro de Tiquina. In the foreground, landfills increasingly frequent on the shore of the lake completely blur the immeasurable beauty that owns and lethally contaminated habitat wirrmanni Balliviaspongia . Lumix FZ 50, April 18, 2010.
This beautiful lake and the ecosystem has a high number of endemic at all levels (invertebrates and vertebrates) (Dejoux and Iltis 1991) many of them committed conservation status (MMAyA 2009, Richard 2010) and severe problems of conservation and pollution (Richard 2010a). In this context we find a most extraordinary species: Balliviaspongia wirrmanni (Haplosclerida: Demospongiae), a freshwater sponge whose " Derivatio nominis" derives from the lake Ballivián (Gender), Pleistocene lake of the Bolivian Altiplano, while the specific allocation dedicated to Denis Wirrmann which conducted surveys and ecological observations of the lake. Wirrmanni Balliviaspongia lives between 0.1 and 19 m depth, often attached to the stems of reeds (Schoenoplectus Tator californicus), although it is also found attached to rocks. Still, the greater abundance of sponges is associated with the reeds. Paleontological data for this animal indicated an age of at least 7700 years in the lake (Dejoux and Iltis 1991). The species is one of the most affected by the problem of lake pollution and the massive extraction of reeds to subsidize exotic livestock around it (Richard 2010th, 2010b) and its current status is further exacerbated by the paradox of conservation of species (Richard 2010C) What? That I have been fighting against for years ... Dear reader, never noticed that over 90% of conservation efforts under a beautiful species, charismatic or megacarismáticas?? It seems that the right to live on planet Earth it won only species from human subjectivity are beautiful or charismatic, but those from the same subjectivity are ferocious, ugly, repulsive or the charisma of a parsley ( excuse the parsley of course), the only reason they lost the right to live and to their eventual extinction, it will be missed by no ... (Read more at ) How pitiful thought, so unworthy of a species sapiens calls itself but which in fact is so far to be ... What's all this? In the species before us today, this beautiful sponge is an indicator species (and therefore suffering) of contamination of Lake Titicaca ... It is an endemic, perhaps the most affected by pollution must necessarily pass through your body as part of their biology and even more loss and shrinkage of its habitat, the reeds which rests on submerged stems. Cattails are currently unsustainably harvested for livestock, burned to "favor" (?) Regrowth and contaminated with heavy metals from mining waste flowing into the lake Titicaca from Milluni among others ...
Harvest reed to feed cattle in Bahia Cohana (Bolivia) 16 September 2006. Kodak DX 6490.

Cattle feeding on reeds and Asnar Cohana Bay, Lake Huiñaymarka. September 16, 2006. Kodak DX 6490.
Sheep feeding directly into the reeds. Now offer extended to cattle also
reed harvesting is also literally, the harvest of entire populations of Balliviaspongia wirrmanni ... just evaluating the current status of lake pollution and excessive harvesting of reeds (Habitat and support animal) (see Richard 2005, 2010th, 2010b) and sponges associated with it are enough factors to apply for this beautiful animal endemic to the lake ever considered sacred status parasternal species (For the above reasons) of Endangered
Many colleagues and students have as many people unfortunately think ... Who cares about that animal or thing? ... To them I say: Every form of life is won before the man himself the right to live on the blue planet, all play an important role and have ... and to think differently, there is nothing but a reflection of unwarranted discriminating ...
And although the extinction of Balliviaspongia wirrmanni not missed by anyone ... I miss you and feel much like any of the creatures that, in general are charismatic ...
Research to know ...
knowledge to manage ...
Educate to keep ...
Store to thrive ...
Because ...
can not love, love, keep ...
what is not known or not known whether it exists ...
E. Richard
Balliviaspongia wirrmanni Exemplary green by the presence of symbiotic algae taken from a reed stalk extracted to feed livestock (San Pedro de Tiquina, Bolivia 10 September 2005). Fuji FinePix 205.
Denise and Melissa tireless traveling companions. A Dr Ana Maria Alderete de Majo who taught me to love the invertebrates.
Dejoux, C. & A. Iltis. (Eds.) 1991. Lake Titicaca: Synthesis of current limnological knowledge. ORSTOM, Talleres Gráficos Hisbol. La Paz, Bolivia. 578 pp.
Devenish, C., DÍAZ FERNÁNDEZ, DF, Clay, RP, DAVIDSON, I. & YEPEZ Zabala, I. EDS. (2009) Important Bird Areas Americas - Priority sites for Biodiversity Conservation. Quito, Ecuador: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation Series No. 16).
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER (MMAyA) 2009. Red Book of vertebrate wildlife in Bolivia. Ministry of Environment and Water, La Paz, Bolivia. 571 pp.
2005. Cohana Bay, Lake Titicaca: A paradise to discover. ROMI + Super Video CD CD (SVCD). Multimedia Theratos Ed. La Paz, Bolivia. DL 4-4-85-04. ISBN 99905-0-454-7.
RICHARD E. 2010th. CHRONICLE OF A DEATH ANUNCIADA.I. The Titicaca Kenolaba: Rollandia microptera (Reptiles [ex Birds]: Podicipediformes). Environment and Biota of Bolivia, Bulletin n0 1: 26 p. DOWNLOAD
RICHARD E. 2010b. CHRONICLE OF A DEATH ANUNCIADA.II. The Titicaca Kenolaba: Rollandia microptera (Reptiles [ex Birds]: Podicipediformes). Environment and Biota of Bolivia, Bulletin 1 (2): 27 p. DOWNLOAD
RICHARD E. and D. CONTRERAS ZAPATA. 2010. Environmental Education for the third millennium. A tribute to Mother Earth. Course notes for training trainers. Multimedia EcoDreams Ed. 366 p. La Paz, Bolivia. DOWNLOAD
Made in Bo liv ia
by Latin
Patria Grande For Latin America ...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Emory Access Violation Tally 7.2
Environment and Biota of Bolivia 1 (2) June 2010
Second Bulletin emerged and the content of the blog namesake. As above this is dedicated to research on the Kenolaba, Rollandia microptera . PDF
Thursday, July 1, 2010
What To Write On A Wedding Present
New intensive courses in Introduction to Belly Dance in the second half of July, fully customized (up to 5 persons) in Honeysuckle Therapies for more information and registration: 20:30 to 21:45 h
Tuesday and Thursday 19:30 to 20:45 h
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