Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone !!!!!!! Recent publications
Friday, December 31, 2010
Red Rubber Shower Mats
... Photo exhibition "Bolivia" - Journal n0 Resistance 2 - Spain
Magazine Cover "The Resistance" - English Fotorevista UIFOTO published quarterly and the group The Resistance under Horacio Vilches photogs address
First page of the photographic exhibition "Bolivia" by the author.
I invite you to enjoy the full version by downloading the attached link
Download: Revista "La Resistance" n0 2
Monday, December 6, 2010
Homeopathy Treatment For Lpr
Arab music is characterized by its complexity and freedom of improvisation, both melodic and rhythmic, allowing that there are different versions of the same gender as far away, this phenomenon is understandable because traditional music Arabic has been transmitted orally, because formerly there were no records of scores in the Arab world. This feature makes it so compelling and different from Western music. Even today, many Arab musicians have incorporated forms of Western music scores and others have invented their own. However, Arabic music continues this unique feature of enjoying the freedom of improvisation.
melodies and rhythms are the essence of Arab music in them combine cultural influences from North Africa and the Middle East. In terms of structure of Arabic music is made up of three components that distinguish it:
Maqam or so melodic or rhythmic pattern • Iqa

Arab music is characterized by its complexity and freedom of improvisation, both melodic and rhythmic, allowing that there are different versions of the same gender as far away, this phenomenon is understandable because traditional music Arabic has been transmitted orally, because formerly there were no records of scores in the Arab world. This feature makes it so compelling and different from Western music. Even today, many Arab musicians have incorporated forms of Western music scores and others have invented their own. However, Arabic music continues this unique feature of enjoying the freedom of improvisation.
melodies and rhythms are the essence of Arab music in them combine cultural influences from North Africa and the Middle East. In terms of structure of Arabic music is made up of three components that distinguish it:
Maqam or so melodic or rhythmic pattern • Iqa
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What Are Full Head Highlights
This intensive course work that covers all styles of Dance Tribal: ATS, Fusion and all its variants (Gothic, Burlesque ...)
basic elasticity and muscle tone. Control
-body (balance, muscle isolation, coordination ...)
-Work Styles:
-ATS: Technical
steps from basic to advanced. Vocabulary
rattlesnakes Management Improvisation
-FUSION: Technical
Body (popping, locking, layering ...)
Music Performance Technical
choreographic combinations and links
Style Studio (Rock, Goth, Burlesque, Commercial .. .)
needed to have at least 3 years experience in or knowledge of Oriental Dance Tribal.
began in January, book your place in or 665,699,661.
Limited places, maximum 10 people.
will be two months Friday at 2h30 '(total 5h month)
Hours: 21:00 to 22:30 h
Place: Petite Zulima (circular area)
Price: 18 € months
This intensive course work that covers all styles of Dance Tribal: ATS, Fusion and all its variants (Gothic, Burlesque ...)
basic elasticity and muscle tone. Control
-body (balance, muscle isolation, coordination ...)
-Work Styles:
-ATS: Technical
steps from basic to advanced. Vocabulary
rattlesnakes Management Improvisation
-FUSION: Technical
Body (popping, locking, layering ...)
Music Performance Technical
choreographic combinations and links
Style Studio (Rock, Goth, Burlesque, Commercial .. .)
needed to have at least 3 years experience in or knowledge of Oriental Dance Tribal.
began in January, book your place in or 665,699,661.
Limited places, maximum 10 people.
will be two months Friday at 2h30 '(total 5h month)
Hours: 21:00 to 22:30 h
Place: Petite Zulima (circular area)
Price: 18 € months
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Pier Head Liverpool Departures
Bulletin Environment and Biota of Bolivia 1 (3) - November 2010
Third issue of the Bulletin Environment and Biota of Bolivia in PDF format
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Headache Bridge Of Nose
We welcome news to announce the conclusion of the 1 º Festival Mergers in Valladolid. The
4 to 5 February we enjoy workshops based on the 4 elements: water, fire, air and land.
the evening of February 4, Gala on 5 th Element, a fusion of the 4 key elements. Bollywood, Arabic Flamenco, Zingaro, ATS and Tribal Fusion, Fusion with fans of Silk, Sable ... All this with the presence of guest dancers big exception.
Throughout the weekend events will parallel market, tea tasting ... and many more surprises.
Soon more information!
We welcome news to announce the conclusion of the 1 º Festival Mergers in Valladolid. The
4 to 5 February we enjoy workshops based on the 4 elements: water, fire, air and land.
the evening of February 4, Gala on 5 th Element, a fusion of the 4 key elements. Bollywood, Arabic Flamenco, Zingaro, ATS and Tribal Fusion, Fusion with fans of Silk, Sable ... All this with the presence of guest dancers big exception.
Throughout the weekend events will parallel market, tea tasting ... and many more surprises.
Soon more information!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thermocol Is Polystyrene
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Tiffany Granath With Husband
TRIBAL ATS-known roots of this dance-based Oriental, sign code , group rapport, mysticism and power of their movements. Monday 21:45 to 23:15 h
Sunflower Centre Tuesday 18:00 to 19:30 h Introduction
Petite Zulima Initiation School Friday 21:00 to 22:30 h
Petite School Zulima
Level 3 Tribal Fusion-based fusion of Dance Modern Tribal Dance (jazz, funky, contemporary ...) Monday 20:15 to 21:30 h
Zulima Petite School 11:00 to 12:30 h Saturday Level2
Petite Zulima Initiation School
TRIBAL GOTH-a more advanced level of Tribal Fusion where the expressiveness of Music plays protagonismo.También'll play other styles such as Cabaret, Burlesque ... etc. Thursday 19:00 to 20:30 h
Petite Zulima Initiation School
Try a free class, started on October 4.
For more information and registration:
Tel: 665699661 (Rachel)
TRIBAL ATS-known roots of this dance-based Oriental, sign code , group rapport, mysticism and power of their movements. Monday 21:45 to 23:15 h
Sunflower Centre Tuesday 18:00 to 19:30 h Introduction
Petite Zulima Initiation School Friday 21:00 to 22:30 h
Petite School Zulima
Level 3 Tribal Fusion-based fusion of Dance Modern Tribal Dance (jazz, funky, contemporary ...) Monday 20:15 to 21:30 h
Zulima Petite School 11:00 to 12:30 h Saturday Level2
Petite Zulima Initiation School
TRIBAL GOTH-a more advanced level of Tribal Fusion where the expressiveness of Music plays protagonismo.También'll play other styles such as Cabaret, Burlesque ... etc. Thursday 19:00 to 20:30 h
Petite Zulima Initiation School
Try a free class, started on October 4.
For more information and registration:
Tel: 665699661 (Rachel)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Price Of A Pint In Krakow
The zoo ... obscene pictures ... And my other brief critique of this institution ...
Youth Issue Papio hamadryas (An African species in Argentina) Zoo Mendoza (Argentina). Since it is a primate, the "anthropomorphism" I will do is quite valid: Look at his face, studying his expression, read my note and see the consistency between one or the other. Panasonic Lumix, Zoom Leica Vario Elmarit 35-420 mm.
The humiliating begging of these animals is very educational and this behavior is not natural ... Mendoza Zoo January 6, 2010. Panasonic Lumix, Leica Vario Elmarit Zoom 35 to 420 mm.

And so it was first the circus, a place where traditionally depicted animals doing what they normally would not, appealing for it to abuse, violence or the conditioned reflex ... A human pride that boasts of its nickname " sapiens " led (paradoxically) ever understand so great lack of respect for life and reluctantly today, animals are disappearing from the circus ... 's turn now to the zoo ... institution that has no reason not to be, or exist. According to ICOM (cf. Richard and Z. Contreras 2010), zoos, museums would be comparable institutions while by definition comply with these five pillars, namely: Education, Conservation, Research, Open Access and Recreation. Let us briefly to these pillars in the context of the zoo:
1) Education: We are in a globalized world where there are educational television show brilliantly (even in 3D) to biodiversity as it should be, their environment and without pressure, without bars, without overcrowding, in appropriate environmental conditions, and a very extensive etc ... Therefore, showing animals in cramped conditions, in a dubious state of health (biological and psychological or ethological especially for purists) behind bars, with a clearly abnormal behavior resulting from their confinement, not polite ... or at least, as I say in my books educate about what SHOULD NOT DO. On the other hand, make no mistake, many zoos (most of us) are not without their side circus paradoxically promoted by the public itself that throws stones or feed the animals so that they move or do circus tricks in the style . The public, illiterate animal rights and human rights unfortunately humans too, does not respect sleep schedules, breastfeeding and much more. animals. The list could go on but this is not the case for the note. It is also a paradox ex situ conservation talk watching a caged animal ... So ... Education? What? While there are zoos, people still think they are good for something, that something exists and will remain so (forgive the tautology) ... not convinced by the television programs about it, or INTERNET?, Well known biodiversity begins where, visit a protected area!. Even today there is growing urban protected areas that serve to channel the educational needs of society and to learn about local biodiversity in situ (not only animals) (See Richard 2009a, 2009b) Know to love, love to keep, keep to thrive (Richard 2003) ... From Mother Earth ...
obscene photos. With this serious environmental education practice some zoos ... " tree Thanks for all that you give us " reads the sign and as a thank you get a dozen nails into the tree! ... What a nice message for kids! ... Mallasa Zoo (La Paz, Bolivia) 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Begging for these animals as well as pitiful and demeaning, not is very educational and this behavior is not natural ... Mendoza Zoo January 6, 2010. Panasonic Lumix, Leica Vario Elmarit Zoom 35 to 420 mm.
The humiliating begging of these animals is very educational and this behavior is not natural ... Mendoza Zoo January 6, 2010. Panasonic Lumix, Leica Vario Elmarit Zoom 35 to 420 mm.
"Zoo or Circus?. If you do not stop, do not give you peanuts!. An audience that does not respect the animal and still not know the difference between what should be a zoo and a circus ... no words ... Zoo de Mendoza (Argentina). 26 April 2004. Fuji Finepix 205.
The animals in the zoo are to what the public, no education, wants them ... Mallasa Zoo (La Paz, Bolivia) 12 September 2004. Fuji Finepix 205.
Education, which? Now it seems that the peacock is a South American bird? Please!. Mallasa Zoo, Bolivia, October 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
not mistreat me says the cartel. Who? "The panda? A solitary animal like the jaguar (Panthera onca ) used to measured individual territories thousands of hectares, this crammed into a small space ... That's abuse! ... So, what we talk about education? September 12, 2004. Fuji Finepix 205.
overcrowding ... Speaking of African lions in a small space for others ... Zoo de Mendoza (Argentina). April 26, 2004. Fuji Finepix 205.
permanent stress due to noise. In the picture one of my students by measuring the noise emitted by cuadratrack that purpose field adjacent to the Zoo Mallasa (La Paz, Bolivia). September 12 2004. Fuji Fine Pix 205.
2) Storage: Aahhh! I forgot, ZOOS ARE THE CHESTS OF THE CENTURY! They are looking to restore populations to become extinct in the wild, are gene banks ... it is! Please! Let's see, all those who still believe in this fallacy, I invite you to review basic genetics. What? Mendel's laws, as sencillito and then if you want, Conservation Biology, which currently relies on its bases in the genetic wonderful today I can literally sink to all advocates of zoos. Let's see, if all humans descend from Adam and Eve, I could not be writing this because I simply would not exist ... It is not possible to reconstruct entire populations of animals from a partner or a group of couples (Mostly talking about mammals), inbreeding quickly derive degeneration and extinction. Why? Because there would be enough genetic material to allow evolution and adaptation of individuals. Without going any further, we now know that cats, for example, it takes an average of 700 copies as a minimum for a population in the wild, is perpetuated in time ... We should also note that zoos evolutionarily act also but this does not help matters. Indeed, artificial selection of zoos acts SELECTING the fittest individuals for life in captivity . Not to mention also the fact that generation after generation are lost and aprehendizaje learning that animals have of their own environment, their food, prey and predators, etc. then something is very difficult (not impossible) to recover ... then wait rebuild natural populations from inbreeding of individuals resulting from artificial selection adapted to captivity, without learning and much more. is a utopia ... or if you will, more realistically, a LIE. And do not tell me what says Ms. GENETICS ... ex situ conservation is then, from this point of view, a fallacy ...
3) Research: All research is positive, I am a strong supporter of research. Why? See my page and then continue. Still, the focus of research in zoos is oriented, when present, predominantly the veterinary and captive management (Although there are some paradoxical exceptions). Reread the above two points and if agreed, we see that it would be better to derive funds and human resources currently used in research MLAs investigation in the natural environment, where the researcher also enjoy watching the animals in their natural ... animals, today need to be investigated for their perpetuation in time their midst! . There are endangered species that lack the funding for research and conservation as zoos mostly squandered money researching how to make their parrots (With apologies to the parrots) to increase their survival rate in captivity ... Please! It is an ironic paradox, a parajoda or a joke (In the latter case I I personally, lol). Read this as an invitation to channel resources where they are needed, in the wild ...
If in some zoos have some research they would know that any reptile turtles need sunlight as input vital to the survival and would design enclosures according to the requirements of the animal. The photo exhibition of Chelonoidis chilensis, an area that never receives sunlight (or otherwise not) ... Zoo Rawson (Argentina) ... Praktica BC1, Maginon zoom from 35 to 70 mm (scanning slide).
4) Open Access: This, contrary to the view that they do not know (Too many for my taste), does not refer to that entry is free, means that access should be free, ie ALL of society and this includes people with different needs, something that at least the zoos of Argentina and Bolivia, the vast majority do not. A blind person can not use the visit, not a person who can not walk, because most do not have ramps for wheelchairs and much more. In short this is not fulfilled ...
5) Recreation: Hurray! Have something after all! Most has playgrounds for children, some even have their own cinemas, theaters, etc.. all have fun, minus the animals ... Now, think a bit, perhaps needed a zoo for children and their parents have fun?. His answer, again disabling the existence of a zoo ... Also, for many people, the zoo, especially those with no education are more than a salute to the flag, no longer a circus and as such even angry if they see an animal and do not notice scream for leaving or throwing stones to do stunts without the least respect in the state of the animal, animal welfare, they say ... In other cases, people themselves go to the zoo with their "pets," thereby encouraging the purchase of wild animals, ie wildlife trafficking ... Sorry ... The truth is that the institution from this pillar likewise does not justify its existence ...
Mallasa Zoo (La Paz, Bolivia), leading visitors to "visit" their own pet, a species of wildlife ... No words ... Polaroid DC 30. April 13, 2003.
Some friends, who are not, therefore, still defend the indefensible institution extreme, but I understand (not justify), all his life worked on it ...
In this brief journey I captured just a few of the hundreds of photos from various zoos in different countries; not believe I used only two or three for this discussion because it is not, as you know my students when I teach this issue. What is certain is that I have extreme photos, because when one wants to educate and illustrate nothing more graphic than the ends ... Are there exceptions? Sure, that prove the rule ...
In short, I repeat, needs a genuine education. What? That which aims first and last, be full human beings. As I say in my books (see Richard and Z. Contreras) environmental education are two words, if you fulfill the first the second would have no reason to exist ... I invite you ... Be happy ... and make Mother Earth happy ... SHUT THE ZOO ...
RICHARD E. 2009. Urban reserves: Models for environmental education, entertainment and local tourism. Rev. NLDE, Fund. emegece 1 (11): 20-21. ISSN 2070-9242 digital print ISSN 2070-8661. DOWNLOAD
RICHARD E. 2009. The role and importance of public universities in the creation of protected natural areas. Rev. NLDE, Fund. emegece 1 (11): 28. ISSN 2070-9242 digital print ISSN 2070-8661. DOWNLOAD
RICHARD E. and D. CONTRERAS ZAPATA. 2010. Environmental Education for the third millennium. A tribute to Mother Earth. Course notes for training trainers. Multimedia EcoDreams Ed. 366 p. La Paz, Bolivia. DOWNLOAD
Made in Bo liv ia
For American ...
For Patria Grande, Latin America ...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
School Rock Streaming

The oriental dancers took the baton in their dances folklore, while the women's pole is a variation of the Arabic hombres.En this dance is called (the Assaya Racks). Bashira
this workshop will teach us the secrets of this item and apply everything learned in a fun final choreography.
DATE: September 25
TIME: 11:30-13:30 h
PLACE: CDO Covaresa
PRICE: 22 € (18 € students and subscribers to CDO)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Body Donor Bracelet If Dead
Workshop open to all levels in which we learn in the first, basic steps of the purest Tribal improvisación.Y for later in the second section will merge what they have learned with different dance styles, including funk, jazz ... etc, applying it all in a final choreography.
Discover amazing new steps and try a new style that you will surely like it.
Date: Saturday 18
Time: 11:30-13:30 h
Location: CDO Covaresa
Price: 22 € (18 students and partners) and if you make too Goth Tribal Workshop, the price of the 2 Workshop Series 42 € (34 students and partners)
Confirm your attendance by sending e-mail or phone: 665699661

Workshop open to all levels in which we learn in the first, basic steps of the purest Tribal improvisación.Y for later in the second section will merge what they have learned with different dance styles, including funk, jazz ... etc, applying it all in a final choreography.
Discover amazing new steps and try a new style that you will surely like it.
Date: Saturday 18
Time: 11:30-13:30 h
Location: CDO Covaresa
Price: 22 € (18 students and partners) and if you make too Goth Tribal Workshop, the price of the 2 Workshop Series 42 € (34 students and partners)
Confirm your attendance by sending e-mail or phone: 665699661
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Buggy For Sale Germany
SHAZ 2010 - 2011 SAMPLE
Bellydancing Beginners 12:30 to 13:30 Saturday
G8 Sport Club (Equinox)
Wednesday 9:00 p.m. to 22:30 h Sala La Milonga
c / Nogal, 4
Tuesdays 21:00 to 22:00
ASOVECO (Covaresa)
Saturdays from 10:00 to 11:00
CDO (Covaresa)

Bellydancing Beginners 12:30 to 13:30 Saturday
G8 Sport Club (Equinox)
Wednesday 9:00 p.m. to 22:30 h Sala La Milonga
c / Nogal, 4
Tuesdays 21:00 to 22:00
ASOVECO (Covaresa)
Saturdays from 10:00 to 11:00
CDO (Covaresa)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Time To Weggie On Cynthia Pokemon Games
For the puma and all the biodiversity that we will ... hands of unscrupulous politicians, transnational interests, soy, etc. solidarity with Argentina! and boycott!
SAMPLE LETTER (copy and paste, complete with your data)
Gobernadore sde Provinces
of my highest consideration:
writing these lines to get them the total opposition of "civilized" world as brutal as a carried forward by you in relation to existing populations in Patagonia puma
These animals have been decimated by years because of the economic interests of a few, rounded up to live in confined spaces and poor, forgetting that the terroir are now exploited for their ventures was originally "their" habitat ... "his" home.
The lack of census does not know the current status of populations, their health and level, but the actions of all these years makes it possible to know for sure what happened to their environment, it follows that these animals today must endure:
• the famine that brought the poaching of the species that were naturally their livelihood,
• deterioration and reduction of habitat for the advancement of agriculture and livestock,
• pollution •
• stalking who have been subjected, even with strychnine baits impregnated
This leads us to assert that puma is currently declining. His life is now hanging by a thread ... their vulnerability is increasing. They need food and livestock attack ... those animals that humans introduced in their domains to get richer ... to consume the same way ...
Instead of a look merciful to those who dominate these plains just sign his death sentence ... and therefore ... HIS JUDGEMENT TO CANCEL. They have identified "kill" in a vicious and ruthless. Black River offers a payout of five hundred pesos (approximately U.S. $ 123) per animal killed, no parameters of size and irrespective of gender ... calves and pregnant females are equally exterminated to satisfy the wealthy landowners who have not understood that occupy natural areas involves an intrinsic relation to the ecosystem .. in this case the steppe ... where the puma was the owner of the plains and those men should learn to live seeking a balance between the great benefits you get and giving some comfort for the life of the surrounding nature.
From the most remote places of the earth rise to calls for the species, requiring the use of all the alternatives that involve prevent it from being extinct by human greed and indolence.
face of such inexplicable madness and being your lack of ethics, moral and logical approach to devastate the natural heritage that belongs to the whole world and future generations, we have declared a boycott of your soil, which will translate to a lesser number of tourists lovers of wildlife in different parts of the world
In the absence of changes in the policies of your governments, where all contribute his quota for extermination, these actions continue to defend the life of the species.
When performing transformations involving the safeguarding of the puma, we are committed to spreading the benefits of nature in the province understand that life is the first thing to be sheltered.
Sincerely first name last name city-country
____________________________________ Email: Send to:,, mario.dasneves.chubut @ gmail. com,,,
COPIES TO:,,, fmirabete @ neuquen.,,,,,
____________________________________ (Text taken from the FACEBOOK PAGE: ANIMALS HAVE RIGHTS "
http://www.facebook. com / profile.php? id = 100000229092555 )
For the puma and all the biodiversity that we will ... hands of unscrupulous politicians, transnational interests, soy, etc. solidarity with Argentina! and boycott!
ACT NOW! AnimaNaturalis .- NEW CAMPAIGN AND POST TO SEND LETTER - AnimaNaturalis
More info at: SAMPLE LETTER (copy and paste, complete with your data)
Gobernadore sde Provinces
of my highest consideration:
writing these lines to get them the total opposition of "civilized" world as brutal as a carried forward by you in relation to existing populations in Patagonia puma
These animals have been decimated by years because of the economic interests of a few, rounded up to live in confined spaces and poor, forgetting that the terroir are now exploited for their ventures was originally "their" habitat ... "his" home.
The lack of census does not know the current status of populations, their health and level, but the actions of all these years makes it possible to know for sure what happened to their environment, it follows that these animals today must endure:
• the famine that brought the poaching of the species that were naturally their livelihood,
• deterioration and reduction of habitat for the advancement of agriculture and livestock,
• pollution •
• stalking who have been subjected, even with strychnine baits impregnated
This leads us to assert that puma is currently declining. His life is now hanging by a thread ... their vulnerability is increasing. They need food and livestock attack ... those animals that humans introduced in their domains to get richer ... to consume the same way ...
Instead of a look merciful to those who dominate these plains just sign his death sentence ... and therefore ... HIS JUDGEMENT TO CANCEL. They have identified "kill" in a vicious and ruthless. Black River offers a payout of five hundred pesos (approximately U.S. $ 123) per animal killed, no parameters of size and irrespective of gender ... calves and pregnant females are equally exterminated to satisfy the wealthy landowners who have not understood that occupy natural areas involves an intrinsic relation to the ecosystem .. in this case the steppe ... where the puma was the owner of the plains and those men should learn to live seeking a balance between the great benefits you get and giving some comfort for the life of the surrounding nature.
From the most remote places of the earth rise to calls for the species, requiring the use of all the alternatives that involve prevent it from being extinct by human greed and indolence.
face of such inexplicable madness and being your lack of ethics, moral and logical approach to devastate the natural heritage that belongs to the whole world and future generations, we have declared a boycott of your soil, which will translate to a lesser number of tourists lovers of wildlife in different parts of the world
In the absence of changes in the policies of your governments, where all contribute his quota for extermination, these actions continue to defend the life of the species.
When performing transformations involving the safeguarding of the puma, we are committed to spreading the benefits of nature in the province understand that life is the first thing to be sheltered.
Sincerely first name last name city-country
____________________________________ Email: Send to:,, mario.dasneves.chubut @ gmail. com,,,
COPIES TO:,,, fmirabete @ neuquen.,,,,,
____________________________________ (Text taken from the FACEBOOK PAGE: ANIMALS HAVE RIGHTS "
http://www.facebook. com / profile.php? id = 100000229092555 )
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
No Supported Camera Detecteddell
agonizes conservation biology ... the cult of hypocrisy and mutual applause society ... A critical and personal self ...
And so the frog agreed to cross the river the scorpion on his back ...
And in midstream, the scorpion stung the frog and both began to sink and drown ...
And the frog in his last moments he asked the scorpion why?, now both ... die
And the scorpion in his great wisdom said I could not help, is my essence ...
I looked
'm a scorpion ...
ANDJC In 1999, under the Third National Congress of Wildlife, Rio Cuarto (Argentina) had lecture on the topic Wildlife Trafficking (Richard and Julia 1999) and began a very long and rich discussion on the subject. I was very happy until he left the issue that always comes out of what to do about it? Then it occurred to me to take the microphone and ask the audience of more than 700 people, if they included some politician ... The response was silence. Then I left the soul say that this Congress was nothing more than a society of mutual applause phrase ... I now attribute many conservationists, but well, I'll take care ... But think about it. All Conferences Animals, Plants, Conservation, Ecology and attended by people with similar ideological profile identical, for the most and the truth is it's very gratifying discourse between people (in many cases fans) that a priori know agree with me I will agree and applaud me and then I'll do the same with the colleague who follow behind me ... The illustrious always absent from such conferences, workshops, etc.. are politicians who are paradoxically those who need education and / or become aware of these issues because they are those with the power of decision ...
They are not and are unlikely unless out of desperation or need votes, which are its only reason for being and exisit, they have no choice ... And, make no mistake in the blue planet that we genuine conservation, we are a minority too unrepresentative. A minority almost non-existent or put it in scientific terms, statistically, are not significant. And the philosophy of conservation is even less meaningful and even scarcer than self-preservation. Do not believe me? To watch click the test, try to gather signatures to protect the Titicaca frog ( Telmatobius culeus ) or Kenolaba ( Rollandia microptera ) and will, in fact, how few share the philosophy of conservation ... conservation has a cause and a Facebook page with a thousand friends conservation? How well, then the intent that his "friends" support in that case and see how one is ... It extinguishes the leatherback turtle in India ... Who the hell cares?? Well, it is assumed that there is only one Blue Planet, a single mother earth and this is the root of the whole problem. What do I mean? I mean the essence of being human. What? The only. Let's see ... see what I mean ... We are talking about the man and his essence, arrogance and hypocritical. But he can not admit to being hypocritical, because his arrogance and superiority complex prevents it. Amalgamating the cohesive element of any society is the hypocrisy. The hypocrites who deliver smiles right and left are considered "good people" but then people named Monsanto (With apologies to the Monsanto soybean). We pretend we are not put in writing and Wave Pattern and Sacrament in scientific texts and everything. Is not that right? How do we call their species? Homo sapiens . Let this name that behave so pompously, starting with the "name" sapiens. What is the basis of such wisdom:
A species that condemns hundreds of thousands more to extinction with no respect whatsoever. One species that deliberately destroys itself with what it does, what you eat, so that smoke, inhale, shot, injected, etc. .. Capable of destroying entire ecosystems egocentristamente selfish no matter what you leave to the heirs of his own blood and kind ... Boasting a species of technological development, it used to flaunt their sadism and boasts of publishing pages on the Internet supporting animal abuse, promoting recreational hunting of wild species with more weapons bizarre, or promoting the consumption of endangered species Gourmet, child pornography, and all etc. they want. And I could spend years talking about the irrationality of the human being only to demonstrate in reality that of sapiens have NOTHING. Obviously I will say that not everyone is like, and I nominate Mother Theresa, Muhammad, Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, etc.. but see, do the exercise to see how many people fitting that exist or existed, discuss how they ended and in whose hands ... In the majority and this is what this trial, not the few, or the exceptions that do more than confirm the rule. Because the Blue Planet is on its way to destruction at the hands of that majority, not the few, not society ... mutual applause
Homo name? Another expression of arrogance and disrespect for all ... Why? Because Homo alludes to man, thus assigning to man the scientific name Homo sapiens makes paradoxical and contradictory. Homo is an expression macho, sexist, discriminatory and as contradictory as sapiens, since it is assumed that a wise creature should not be discriminatory in any way ... Then the human being is arrogant and hypocritical nature in order to scientific names of himself ... Whether we like it or not. And this impacts on conservation science in many ways. Because let's face it, conservationists like I said, we are far less than what we seem to (which is little). Because if the inherent condition of human beings to function well in society is being a hypocrite, hypocrisy must exercise it ... and if you disagree with me, try to be honest with everyone around you and tell me how you're doing and step make another club mutual applause. But I warn you that it will be very small. In society there are too many gray people who need something to hold on out of anonymity and have some color to them social status. So many take the philosophy and conservationist discourse Discovery Channel because it gives them glazed, public exposure, participation and a certain status among the peer group (ie Mutual Society Applause = SAM) and eventually between supporters who think they know what it is the thing ... But ask when signing or worse still work for a cause, they say no, because it would expose ... Then there are those who studied for conservation and manage a profuse terminology and concepts that are difficult to arouse admiration and sighs of those who listen, but has no idea what is happening outside their own city and hardly ever have because they would go. But you have to understand, cold, heat, mosquitoes, yellow fever, etc. are terrible, but how, h no bathroom there?! The worst thing is that after these seudoconservacionistas saying from the podium of ignorance hurting cagamos us cold, mosquitoes bite us and we pay to mother nature ... But to go further and to blend with facts, just a few days ago I met some seudoconservacionistas, status did not know until they opened their mouths (The fish and humans through the mouth die) and I was commenting on the issue of conservation of Titicaca frog ( Telmatobius culeus ), looked at me looked and laughed and told me: But Quique! Nevertheless, these accounts is an urban myth! Nothing happens with the frog, or the Lake Titicaca ... I looked, and understood well. I understood that it was not worth wasting words or trying to explain neural synapses that would never understand, because the frog and the lake was 60 km away ... Distance sidereal they could never go through to be consistent with the "principles" and philosophy ... I did not answer, just in my house fumbled my photo bank and hung up the "myths" urban in my blogs (2010th Richard, 2010b). It is very difficult to conservation from a cafe, or cabinet, in a city, not knowing, not knowing what happens in the scene. Nobody loves what he does not know and can not keep what you do not love ... Love, conservation commitment are things that emerge from the soul when you experience the facts ... Otherwise it's just hypocrisy. Also, there are those who need leadership and adopt the fashionable discourse in order to have some of it to feed their vanity or self-esteem will rise, which saw always difficult to raise self-esteem because you first have to have it, no? A few years ago in Casilda (Argentina) met one of these seudoconservacionistas that desperate to get out on radio, television, newspapers, etc. defending the legitimate resurrection of the noble rights of yellow crab from plagiarized speeches and statements of many conservationists genuine, but it turned out that when the facts, was not able to do a survey or participate in a research project because it was not for those things , and the curriculum consisted of a statistic of how many times you participated in any particular radio or television ... Anyway, these people do not understand that the credibility of the principles of conservation lie in leading by example. How to be credible or believable to a cause, if after discussing the problems and biology of a species on television, the reporter asks you what saw any of that? Who me? No, why? ...
Well, it's too pretend that these people think that, if adopted the philosophy of conservation for selfish reasons, totally unrelated to the conservation of the human condition ... Finally (for this test), are the conservationists who flaunt their status Homo sapiens in related discriminatory and restrict their conservation philosophy to species deserve or deemed "popular" or more social rating ... What? The charismatic, the neotenic ( fide Richard 2000), the beautiful (Concept by other subjective and too human in its essence) and therefore only species that meet these requirements deserve to be saved ... do not believe me? Look how many clubs there Birding in Argentina (COA's) and the World, birds arouse admiration. Not as much as the reptiles despite being the same, but the sympathy and popularity is proportional to the human subjectivity of beauty. Now, look how many clubs there are observers of ticks, or springtails, jellyfish, amoebae, flukes, echinoderms, etc.. Look how many campaigns there are, how many volunteers have to save the mole cricket Amazon Antarctic copepods, or sponge Titicaca ... Please! no more hypocrisy! Between my blog and see addition to my notes, and the right are three counters of visits and hits. I am a scientist, so I use them for scientific purposes: When I posted the note by the Kenolaba ( Rollandia microptera ) (Richard 2010b) Titikaka emblematic bird, the shot hits. When I posted the note of the sponge from Lake Titicaca ( Balliviaspongia wirrmanni ) (Richard 2010C), an endemic species, which exists since there is a lake, unique beautiful, intriguing, moving the page died, even though I announced the publication of the note an extensive mailing list of conservationists and included it in a newsletter, published on FaceBook where 99% of my friends are " conservation "and the same ... after all who the fuck you are interested in a sponge that has the charisma of a parsley (excuse the parsley). Then I published a note Titicaca frog (Richard 2010a) and began to move again the blog, but with the movement and the interest in a frog, slightly more than a sponge ... How unfortunate that conservationists above are genuine tiny minority not representative of all, most of that minority showing his human condition discriminates and takes pride GOD position to decide which species deserve to be preserved, and what not. On what criteria? It is ugly or pretty, insipid or charismatic ... Then in his speeches talking about a fair value for biodiversity ... Again it appears the condition hypocritical human being ... If today I crossed with an alien and he asked me what it means our scientific name or I would laugh in your face or think I'm kidding ...
Now there networks from trafficking in wildlife and it is still interesting to read in the forums, another company of applause mutual allegations of the forum:
.- In this place I saw a cage with two cardinals ...
.- I saw a person who had a parrot ...
Finally, leaving aside such large claims to not fix anything, in 1999 asked a politician why nothing was done with the subject traffic and told me that in fact, beyond the claims of some people (because many reported in the forums and following the thread of this note, the specific few) had no specific data, scientific or serve as inputs to implement policies. That year I published a book (Richard 1999) of illegal structures in Argentina ... The result? Radio silence ... Almost ten years later (2007) I faced a research officer with a public university in Argentina and convened more than a dozen alleged Argentine conservationists to reinvestigate the illegal structures in Argentina ... It was unfortunate as it ran, with the most unusual excuses (In those places there kissing bugs, Chagas disease, bugs, there is no bathroom, subject is dangerous and a long string of etc) ... We ended up making the project as only three people (of a total of 22 invited), published in a scientific journal (Richard et al 2010) the first study analyzed the market, the suppliers, mapificamos the collection points to GPS (To have no doubt) cualicuatificamos volumes of each species and many more. Result? Radio silence ... We send work to the Traffic Network in Argentina and Bolivia and nobody said nothing, zero, zero comments and are taking actions to respect scientific input to do so ... Ahh yes, continued their routine of Cardinal cage, the parrot on the shoulder and Huga turtle ... I have given many explanations, the one with which I stay is that they are few who really care about conservation and everyone wants to be star of his small achievement to have discovered a parrot captive and be recognized so ... and suddenly a person who publishes a work stripping all the traffic dull the alleged contributions to the forum topic ... So, once again overshadow the human interests of conservation, preservation, then, that we speak?? Similarly, I remember that at a Meeting of the Herpetological Association Argentina became necessary to have an official red book of amphibians and reptiles of Argentina, but specify when raining buts everywhere, is more pressing than the issue were also the first to take a side when specifying and curiously absent were also distinguished when it to work ... it, among other things, there was no funding whatsoever ... Anyway, the event took place and resulted in publication of the first "red book" of amphibians and reptiles of Argentina, financed by the publishers themselves (Lavilla et al 2000 ) ... The truth is that all the "conservationists" who advocated for the work at the first meeting ended only a small percentage participate, the facts ...
The dog (Canis lupus familiaris ) is the result of domestication ( Fide Richard 2000) of wolf (Canis lupus lupus ) The result? A new species (subspecies strictly speaking) with extraordinary qualities, true and unique friend in good times and bad, areas in which almost any man his equal. Aspects which earned him the epithet appropriate for the other man's best friend ... Please do again demonstrate the crime of advocacy of more hypocrisy ... Let's see Mr. supine human friendship is a mutual feeling but no ... ends ... When we see the abuse these animals, the mass slaughter we attended recently in Neuquén (Argentina) are doing an act of hypocrisy more ... But how should it be? Stray dogs bother? Sure ... And whose fault is it? Let's see the problem as sapiens. The problem is human. How is the issue? I'll simplify pedagogically. The human being is above human primate mammal and as such is sensitive to neoteny ( Fide Richard 2000), then everyone wakes up a tenderness addictive and need to protect the puppies, so we bought and gave away puppies ... Unfortunately when the puppy is developed and the characters neoténics disappear, former feelings also disappear and give rise to others such as intolerance, until finally, more humane remedy (in the perspective of many " sapiens") is to abandon the dog, the most common source of stray dogs ... Solution? Genuine education or euthanizing irresponsible previous situation clear Ahhh ... I know, this is extreme and is not human ... This it? How pitiful ...
In my talks and lectures, too many times begin discussions on this whole issue and ask me and you why do then? (Conservation). Well, here's my self-criticism and self-analysis. I was born failed Mr. ... Since childhood I was born with a pathological love toward all living things, come from a family of doctors but never was able to study medicine because ironically I can not see suffering to humans or animals, so I did conservation biologist and because although I admit that I see no future for humanity, I have children and at least want to die in the attempt and make my children proud of their father and what he did bequeath the world of their utopian dreams ... Dreams which unfortunately left me alone ... Why? Lean again from the beginning ... because it is very easy to share ideals, but it is much harder to find company to carry them out, to realize them ... When done, to fight, to be exposed for what you believe, this is the time of solitude ... When people ask me why my posts try just my achievements ... The answer is now emerging ... Because gains from loneliness ... loneliness that one finds the time to realize, because it is very nice café conservation, but conservation site ... This is more difficult ...
Well, some years ago (actually decades) someone I said that the environmental situation, pessimistic as ever I saw (Although I take a Optimol Forte Plus per day, less so now), could be remedied if the environmental education was more entrenched in the formal and non formal levels ... Another fallacy another tall tale (With apologies to the Chinese) ... I have been Professor of Environmental Education Course undergraduate and postgraduate (Masters of several countries), have written more than half a dozen books on the subject, I made plans for environmental education at country level and the truth is I have had extraordinary experiences with my students, materials that give me the right ethical and moral criticism. What? The one in all my books on environmental education, which I do at the beginning of all my courses ... Environmental Education are two words, if properly complied with the first, second, would have no reason to exist ... Environmental education is thus a patch education hypocrite who fails in the slightest with your first and last objective "To be whole human beings." Because a person of integrity in knowledge and above all values, needless to say, explain the importance of preserving a finite planet resources, you do not talk about the problems of pollution, etc. And while there is a patch, education will as it is, a tear ... As I said in another of my books (Richard 2004), the university has become for many in the working out of professional failure ... And from this point of view, what can we expect? ... What can we expect from teachers Choosing the normal school teaching because it is a stable job and without any vocation and call to violence as a teaching-learning process (Bolivia holds 80% of classroom violence, and honored first in Latin America). What can we expect from teachers who use extortion to pay claims, but do not show tangible results of their work forming whole human beings, humans that are not facts or figures ... Could tell stories about many (I refer to my books and blogs), just enough to say about it, a few years ago a faculty (to call them that) I was hired to give the subject Management and Wildlife Conservation ... As experience with students, wonderful, as experience in the institution, a nightmare from which awakening finished yet ... I am trying to form, from experience, veterinarians aware of the conservation and sustainable development, aware of the importance of biodiversity in the future humanity and the rest of my teaching institution, considering discredit utopian, because the institution promoted the feedlot Soy and "The Future" and considering that the students could not waste time with utopian dreams, an institution that was proud to receive red-carpet Monsanto representatives to discuss the future transgenic and distribute grants and ... Buying wills scholarships for teachers and students ... Without going further in this faculty, I still remember a class where talking about these issues (Soja, feedlot , loss of biodiversity, etc.) a student stopped class and said:
.- Profe ... with all due respect ... you talk about soy as a conservationist but does not see reality. In the world and especially in our country (Argentina), because many people eat soy because soy ... ... the poor can eat ... Soy is the food of the future ...
I looked
Fixed a moment, before the silence of the entire course replied,
.- If so, just explain to me why in Argentina, a country that today has more soy cows, soy burgers throughout Argentina cost more than any beef burger ...
And that is a lie has short legs, so short that sometimes need to find the answers in a paper or scientific institution, sometimes you just have to do with an open mind in a supermarket and nothing else ... There's obviously more weighty arguments more weight ... than that? Education can liberate or enslave a person forever ... When an entire school propugan one thing (Soybean), the most obvious truth despercibida although we passed under our noses ...
In this context where the university, the highest seat of learning responds to corporate interests, where high school is not taught biodiversity local and therefore it is impossible to love and preserve what is not known, environmental education is a fallacy late ... (Richard and Z. Contreras 2010). Anyway, as promptly denounced and published (Richard and Suayter 2006) the majority of education in Latin America responds to directives from the World Bank is not just a conservation institution ...
To my 47 years I'm tired ... More I am a decade teaching in postgraduate education and higher education and more than a decade I have not heard of teachers who attend my courses what I hear, the answer to a question too basic. Why Why is education in a country? And they say vegetables that they themselves believe they are and learn how to rhyme will know where ... I never hear what I hear, I need to hear ... I never heard a teacher say " Education is to release a person, a people, a society of the conditions that oppress them, an education that does not work for it, good for nothing ... " What good is education if any Monsanto is going around and lie to us which gives the wins and then we are left with a country transformed into a sea of \u200b\u200bsoybeans, glyphosate impregnated until the last aquifer and biodiversity zero ... To respond interests are not the country nor those of humanity ... To educate ourselves if we do not understand an equation as simple as this ... So that we educate ourselves if a few get richer and the final result of the equation is hunger and poverty ... In this context, environmental education serve? And yes, it serves, but no longer a patch to cover the real problem, the lack of a genuine education forming whole human beings with an ethical and moral in peaceful coexistence and respect all creatures as the Blue Planet generously blanket ...
The science of conservation needs education genuine ... Less, much less hypocrisy, more self-critical and we human beings too. Humans need less arrogance, more respect for the planet that blanket and a scientific name more in line with what we are, less hypocritical ... And conservationists? Get out of mutual society of applause, demonstrate a real and genuine commitment to Mother Earth, be more objective and fair valuing biodiversity and have a more active role in mainstream society decides for us today ... I invite you ... Sean
happy ...
Lavilla, EO, E. RICHARD and Manfrini Scrocchi GJ (Eds). 2000. Categorization of Amphibians and Reptiles of Argentina. Argentina Herpetological Association. 108 p. ISBN 987-98331-0-4
RICHARD, E., 1999. (Foreword by G. Scrocchi) TURTLES OF THE ARID REGION OF ARGENTINA. Contribution to the knowledge of the turtles in arid regions of Argentina (Chelidae and Testudinidae) with special reference to aspects ecoetológicos, commercial and anthropological chilensis species complex (C. chilensis Chelonoidis donosobarrosi) in the province of Mendoza. Literature of Latin America, Buenos Aires. Monograph N0 Special 10 (10): i-xv + 1-200, figs 1-53 AD +., AD + maps 1 to 11, AC + 1-36 tabs., 1-3 appendices. ISSN 0328-1620 (Special Monograph Series LOLA), ISBN 950-9725-33-1 (individual paper).
RICHARD, E., 2000. Carried captive wildlife and private collections: An introduction to the problem. Pp 260 to 268. In Bertonatti, C. and J. Corcuera (Eds). ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS ARGENTINA 2000. FVSA and WWF. 440 p. Argentina. ISBN 950-9427-09-8
RICHARD E. 2004. University, teaching, politics and society in Bolivia. Reflections on the teaching and research university ideal profile for the third millennium, in Bolivia. Pp 3 - 41. In: Barral Zegarra, R. (Ed.). 2004. Educating new, new educators. Editorial Ruway Ayni. La Paz, Bolivia. 144 p. 4-1-1471-03 DL, ISBN 99905-0-423-7
RICHARD E. 2010b. CHRONICLE OF A DEATH ANUNCIADA.I. The Titicaca Kenolaba: Rollandia microptera (Reptiles [ex Birds]: Podicipediformes). Environment and Biota of Bolivia, Bulletin n0 1: 26 p. DOWNLOAD
RICHARD E. 2010C. Http://
RICHARD E & JULIA JP. 1999. TRADE AND WILDLIFE TRAFFICKING: From Chaco Argentina, the first world via the Pacific. Pp.94 - 103. Proceedings Third National Congress of Animals. National Univ of Rio Cuarto, Faculty of Agron. and Vet. 119 p.
RICHARD E. and MA SUAYTER. 2006. The national public university in Argentina: the university reform of 18 to "counter" of the '90s: Introduction to comparative analysis. 4th Edition. In: E. Richard (ed.) Chairs of Scientific Research Methodology and Thesis Workshop I, Materials for the Study and Practice Activity Guide. Universidad de Aquino Bolivia. Interactive CD ROM + VCD. Multimedia and UDABOL EcoDreams Ed. La Paz, Bolivia. 4-4-1459-05 DL, ISBN 99905-0-880-1
RICHARD E. and D. CONTRERAS ZAPATA. 2010. Environmental Education for the third millennium. A tribute to Mother Earth. Course notes for training trainers. Multimedia EcoDreams Ed. 366 p. La Paz, Bolivia. DOWNLOAD
RICHARD E., CONTRERAS ZAPATA, RICHARD DI and CONTRERAS, ME 2010. Contributions to the knowledge of the structures of wildlife trafficking in Argentina. I. Preliminary survey information and internal structure of the market. UNRAmbiental, 9 (9). Rosario. Argentina. ISSN 0328-1051
Made in Bo liv ia
For American ...
For Patria Grande, Latin America ...
Friday, August 13, 2010
Blood Test Glucose 5.2
The veil dance as we know it emerged in 1940. A Russian ballerina called Ivanova was hired by King Farouk of Egypt to teach their daughters. Samia Gamal later taught and other celebs how to wear the veil to the entrance of the ball and handle it with arms. Ivanova adopted this practice of Caucasian dances of Azerbaijan, which was done with scarves. Samia Gamal became popular dance of the veil in Egyptian theaters and in the U.S. for the film "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" which was exported to other countries. And this is how the Eastern dancers made veiled work in their repertoire.
In this workshop and learn and perfect the technique of veil, also learn to manage double veil from the hand of the great dancer Scheherazade.
Open to all levels.
Date: September 18
Time: 17:00-19:00 h
Location: CDO Covaresa
Sports Centre Price: 22 € (18 € Shazad Dance students and members of the CDO)
Reservations and information:
http: / / /
665699661 (Rachel)

The veil dance as we know it emerged in 1940. A Russian ballerina called Ivanova was hired by King Farouk of Egypt to teach their daughters. Samia Gamal later taught and other celebs how to wear the veil to the entrance of the ball and handle it with arms. Ivanova adopted this practice of Caucasian dances of Azerbaijan, which was done with scarves. Samia Gamal became popular dance of the veil in Egyptian theaters and in the U.S. for the film "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" which was exported to other countries. And this is how the Eastern dancers made veiled work in their repertoire.
In this workshop and learn and perfect the technique of veil, also learn to manage double veil from the hand of the great dancer Scheherazade.
Open to all levels.
Date: September 18
Time: 17:00-19:00 h
Location: CDO Covaresa
Sports Centre Price: 22 € (18 € Shazad Dance students and members of the CDO)
Reservations and information:
http: / / /
665699661 (Rachel)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Charcoal Soap Formula
New intensive courses in Introduction to Belly Dance in the second half of September, fully customized (maximum 5 people), Dance techniques East applied to each person according to his abilities, application of yoga techniques in addition to this dance, improves your balance and coordination and stay in shape in a fun, all in Honeysuckle therapies.
For more information and registration:
Tel: 665699661
Tuesday and Thursday 19:30 to 20:45 20:30 to 21:45 h h
New intensive courses in Introduction to Belly Dance in the second half of September, fully customized (maximum 5 people), Dance techniques East applied to each person according to his abilities, application of yoga techniques in addition to this dance, improves your balance and coordination and stay in shape in a fun, all in Honeysuckle therapies.
For more information and registration:
Tel: 665699661
Tuesday and Thursday 19:30 to 20:45 20:30 to 21:45 h h
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Cameras Inside Uterus
In September we started the course with a special Intensive Dance, Bollywood, Belly Dance with Veil and Double Veil, Cane, Wings of Isis, Introduction to Tribal and Tribal Fusion and Gothic.
DATES. 18,19,25 and 26 September
DURATION: 2 hours per workshop (schedule TBD)
PLACE: CDO Sports Center
PRICE: 22 € workshop (18 € for students of dance partners Shazad and CDO)
For people who are interested in performing the two Tribal workshops have a special price of 42 € (34 € for students and members of the CDO )
registration now open, limited seats.
To register:
Tel: 665699661
more information soon.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Vodka Effects Impotence
ANUNCIADA.IV CHRONICLE OF A DEATH. The kele, frog endemic to Lake Titicaca: Telmatobius culeus (Garman 1876) (Amphibia: Telmatobiinae)
different phenotypes
Dedicated al Dr. Esteban O. Lavilla
Referente en Herpetología y referente de persona
Maestro, colega y sobre todo amigo…
This frog is the greater representative of the Telmatobius genus. One is an endemic species, mainly circumscribed to the most beautiful Titikaka lake shared between Bolivia and Peru. At international level (IUCN) it shows in estatus of CR (Threatened in Critical Danger) whereas at national level (Bolivia) it has identical estatus (In Critical Danger). The tendency populations of this species today is in declination… The main Causes are 1. - Contamination by sewage waste, pesticides remainders, gasoline, etc. 2. - Extraction of reeds and submerged vegetation 3. - Exotic species. 4. - Use leather and gourmet kitchen for use, 5. - Aphrodisiac.
It is Not Possible to Be Wanted, to be loved, to Be conservative ... What It Is Not known or not does one know if it exists ... That Wants E. Richard
This frog is the greater representative of the Telmatobius genus. One is an endemic species, mainly circumscribed to the most beautiful Titikaka lake shared between Bolivia and Peru. At international level (IUCN) it shows in estatus of CR (Threatened in Critical Danger) whereas at national level (Bolivia) it has identical estatus (In Critical Danger). The tendency populations of this species today is in declination… The main Causes are 1. - Contamination by sewage waste, pesticides remainders, gasoline, etc. 2. - Extraction of reeds and submerged vegetation 3. - Exotic species. 4. - Use leather and gourmet kitchen for use, 5. - Aphrodisiac.
It is Not Possible to Be Wanted, to be loved, to Be conservative ... What It Is Not known or not does one know if it exists ... That Wants E. Richard
Lake Titicaca (Huiñaymarka) from San Pedro de Tiquina. Huatajata bay front, one of the last habitat of Telmatobius culeus . June 13, 2010. Panasonic Lumix FZ 50, Leica Vario Elmarit 35-420.
Telmatobius culeus , special copy of cephalocaudal length 19 cm and 335 g in weight. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
This frog is the largest member of the genus Telmatobius . It is an endemic species, mostly confined to the beautiful Lake Titicaca between Bolivia and Peru shared. This lake is 3800 meters and the water, with high oxygen content, typically have an average temperature of 10 0C. In this context, lives Telmatobius culeus , a frog in its heyday reached a size of 25 cm and as documented the great oceanographer Jacques Yves Cousteau to 1 kg in weight. One of its most remarkable peculiarities is its full adaptation to the aquatic environment, for which evolutionary increased irrigated area as cutaneous respiratory surface, a feature that allows you to experience life underwater without taking atmospheric air and absorb the necessary oxygen from his coat. It feeds mainly on molluscs gastropods ( Littoridina Taphius spp and spp), crustaceans, amphipods (Hyalella spp), aquatic insects (Perez Bejar 2002) are common in the submerged vegetation of the lake as well as smaller fish Orestias. Polymorph presents a major according to their populations and geographical distribution in Lake Titicaca. According to specialists, this complex corresponds to a single species (Benavides 2005), but the differences in coloration, morphology and their size and their occurrence in different habitats lead me to believe, unequivocally, that these differences beyond ...
different phenotypes
Internationally (IUCN) holds in status CR (Critically Endangered Threatened) (Icochea et al 2010) while at national level (Bolivia) is identical status ( Critically Endangered). The trend populations of this species now in decline ... why? Let's see ...
Amphibians are the species most susceptible to contamination of their habitats. But in this case, being a fully aquatic species, the sensitivity is higher, especially for using coat main respiratory organ. Most rivers in the city of El Alto, dumping their solid waste, sewage and chemicals in the Lake Titicaca, which uses its vegetation, especially cattails, debugging (Inside certain limits, of course) ... But all the towns circumlacustres also turn their sewage and garbage of all kinds in the lake and east in an attempt to disengage from it literally "throw up" on their cost marked with concentric rings of garbage and floating debris and submerged vegetation permeated gas and motor oil (in Huatajata Yacht Club is the world's tallest and the landing of commercial vessels) (See Richard 2010th, 2010b). Probably the most harmful forms of pollution are the batteries, most of them long-standing and therefore with high cadmium and mercury ... In recent years the lake has begun to receive pesticide residues also increasingly used in crop circumlacustres. Landfills today are common and normal thing in the lake and fish mortality as well, especially the ispis ( Orestias ispi ) (Richard 2010th, -of-a-death-anunciadai-la.html ). The fuel waste pollution now affecting the underwater vegetation and chemistry molluscs and crustaceans that are eaten by Telmatobius culeus and to which the mass usually found dead on the shores of Lake ...
Details a cemetery shells in the Bay of Huatajata. These are driven by the tide of the lake and accumulate in large quantities and large areas. The high mortality caused by pollution receiving lake. These mollusks are a large part (66% fide Perez Bejar 1998) trophic spectrum culeus Telmatobius . May 9, 2010. Panasonic Lumix FZ 50, Leica Vario Elmarit 35-420 .
Detail of previous photo. May 9, 2010. Panasonic Lumix FZ 50, Leica vario Elmarit zoom from 35 to 420 mm.
2 .- EXTRACTION Totora and submerged vegetation:
The reed is fundamental in the life cycle of the species since the female lays them ( fide Perez Bejar 1998). The reeds are removed (even burned) to massive livestock feed (see Richard 2010th, 2010b ) so this reduction is critical habitat for the species. The submerged vegetation is the trophic support, habitat and niche of molluscs and amphipods that feed (66% and 30% respectively, fide Perez Bejar 1998) to Culeus Telmatobius . This vegetation is removed in large numbers to feed exotic livestock (cattle, sheep, Asnar, etc.) When you run out of reeds (Schoenoplectus Tator californicus) (See more Richard 2010a). This reduces the effective area of \u200b\u200bhabitat and food niche of the species dramatically.
mass removal of submerged vegetation (Mostly Miriophyllum elatinoides and to a lesser extent Elodea and Potamogeton Potamogeton sp), food items and niche support of the molluscs, crustaceans and insects that are food Telmatobius majority culeus . Ajaria Grande, April 18, 2010. Polaroid DC 30.
Both the trout (Oncorhynchus mikiss ) as the silverside ( Odontesthes bonariensis) are predators of this species both juvenile frogs and their tadpoles. The trout farms, are becoming more numerous in the lake and are promoted as a resource (?) For local communities by various NGO's. Trout up to 70 cm are caught today on Lake Titicaca and their stomachs are small remnants of both frogs and tadpoles (Obs. pers. San Pedro de Tiquina, May 2010).
Trout Hatcheries craft floating in the Bay of Huatajata (the mighty Illimani in the background.) May 9, 2010. Panasonic Lumix FZ 50, Leica vario Elmarit zoom from 35 to 420 mm.
female trout ready to spawn (37 cm in length). In the lake, looking for prey among others, tadpoles and juvenile culeus Telmatobius . Huatajata Bay. Panasonic Lumix FZ 50, Leica vario Elmarit zoom from 35 to 420 mm.
Extractive fishing bound to offer exotic dishes mostly foreign tourists Huatajata restaurants and villages between this place and San Pedro de Tiquina as well as in Copacabana significant impact on populations Telmatobius culeus . Why? Let's review concepts of ecology. Telmatobius culeus is a species with characteristics of specialist end of the gradient r K - K. Human beings to satisfy their culinary interests artificial selection performed by extracting the most important and successful examples ecological and evolutionary, the largest, the most successful reproductive, the most successful adaptive. For this reason, the impact on the population maximum. It is unfortunate that humans take from nature the best examples from the process of natural selection, leaving it less suitable, thus the evolution of the species is literally doomed. This situation also explains why the average size of fish taken each year and reduce fishing areas are being reduced, so it is necessary to find new areas (Interviews with fishermen in frogs, February, May and June 2010). This means if we think that the dish offered are the frog legs and these should be relatively large size great to meet demand. Each course offered has a minimum of 10 rear legs (see photo), so it must be sacrificed five frogs per dish. On the weekend, one of the restaurants tested, serves an average of 12 plates of frog leg, which means sacrificing thirty adults reproductive success by the weekend. This is 1440 adult frogs per year on average for each restaurant (only Huatajata to 2010 there are 7 that serve this dish, which would mean a consumption of 10,080 adult frogs per year ....) The plate of single frog legs (10 legs, the show has 20) has an average cost of 35 Bs, ie U.S. $ 5 U.S.. no longer as great as absurd paid $ 5 to eat a critically endangered endemic species ...
There is also another reason for catching large fish, leather. With him are made in USA wallets on the market are priced between 70 and 120 U.S. $ according to information obtained directly from exporters who sell them ... to 40 - 60 Bs piece ... What do we mean? Let's see it graphically, because it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words ...
Huatajata poster on the route - Tiquina that offer frog legs. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Special copy cephalocaudal 19 cm in length, with others waiting for your meal preparation ... Huatajata Gourmet, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Special copy cephalocaudal 19 cm in length, with others waiting for your meal preparation ... Huatajata Gourmet, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Preparation of a frog "in view of the customer," Huatajata, 18 April 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Preparation of the frog "in view of the customer", note the careful removal of the leather. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
Removing leather frog. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
evisceration of the animal. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
The final product. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
extended leather to move to the subsequent drying phase. Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
The sad fate of five adults Telmatobius culeus Huatajata ..., April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
And then??
After we spoke to the gatherer of leather who informed us retail costs and profits related to market leather culeus Telmatobius ... Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
leathers Telmatobius culeus dry and ready for export to USA ... Huatajata, April 18, 2003. Polaroid DC 30.
5 .- Aphrodisiac or advocacy of human stupidity ...
From 2003 to date (2010) come documenting the increasing use of the species as an aphrodisiac. In this case, and as a counterpoint to the previous used copies of small and medium size. Live frogs are introduced into a blender with other ingredients such as honey, quail eggs, extract of maca, mote corn, etc. After about 30 seconds, leaving the blender green liquid that is offered to 5 Bs (nearly one dollar) a small vessel. By vendors that vessel is sufficient to trigger sexual vigor for a week!. This true apology of human stupidity deserves reflection. First, Titicaca frog aphrodisiac NOT one and listen to the charlatans who claim otherwise is just making an apology for the stupidity and ignorance supine. Secondly, it's amazing the proliferation of supposed aphrodisiac products that operate with a more psychological than anything else. But the truth is that such a proliferation of aphrodisiac products also indicates a growing demand for such products concern ... Which also indicates a serious and growing problem of human sexual problem, but please gentlemen, if you need anything for sex, scientifically tested and proven effective as sildenafil called (compound UK-92, 480) or more commonly by its trade name VIAGRA. So please stop live frogs that have nothing to do with human sexual activity viagra buy yourself one that is going to get better ...
Copies of culeus Telmatobius in a tank waiting for their final destination ... Blender ... To meet the endless human stupidity. Desaguadero June 16, 2005. Fuji Finepix 205 .
Seller viagra frog, showing the preparation of fraudulent impunity brew with live frogs ... Desaguadero June 16, 2005. Fuji Finepix 205.
After serving the beverage preparation ... Desaguadero June 16 2005. Fuji Finepix 205.
As stated previously, Lake Titicaca, this beautiful haven for wildlife and biodiversity, including numerous endemic species of different biological groups, whose ajayu , according to the tradition of Pukina peoples, Aymara and Quechua is protected by the Pacha Mama, is now at risk ... what? Of losing their ajayu forever as a result of a "Pachacidio (fide Barral Zegarra 2009) derived from functional illiteracy. In the absence of contextual education, by and for Bolivia ... In this series, "Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel García Márquez paraphrase, we will continue to show first hand, all with the hope that we reflect on what we do on this spectacular site and species, belongs to all Bolivians and the planet. Because you can not manage what you do not know, can not love what you do not know ... and why it is necessary to love? For love is the fundamental and primary input to preserve ... Nobody loves no preserved what (Richard 2003) ... And why do we keep? Knowing to love, love to keep, keep to prosper ... (Richard and Z. Contreras 2010). Because you can not succeed, never mind sustainable development based on the destruction of a finite planet (Richard and Contreras 2010) ... Huinaymarca Because the lake and all its biodiversity is a legacy from our ancestors, our heritage and by definition those who care for and love their heritage are patriots ... My question remains: Where are the patriots? ...
result, research is needed today as a state policy ...
Research to know ...
knowledge to manage ...
Educate to keep ...
Store to thrive ...
Because ...
can not love, love, keep
... so do not know or do not know if it exists ...
E. Richard
I invite you ...
BENAVIDES, E. 2005. The Telmatobius ''species complex in Lake Titicaca: Applying phylogeographic and coalescent Approaches to evolutionary studies of Highly polymorphic Andean frogs.''Studies on the Andean Frogs of the Build and Telmatobius Batrachophrynus (Anura: Leptodactylidae). Monographs of Herpetology, 7. EO Lavilla and I. De La Riva, eds., Herpetological Asociación Española, Valencia.
ICOCHEA, J., S. Reichle, I. DE LA RIVA, U. SINSCH, J. Kohlen 2004. Telmatobius culeus. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.2. . Downloaded on 24 July 2010.
BEJAR PEREZ, ME 1998. Diet and annual cycle gametogénico Telmatobius culeus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) on Lake Titicaca (Huaiñaimarca). Theses opt for the holder of a degree in Biology, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, 140p.
BEJAR PÉREZ, ME 2002. Evaluation of the population of the giant frog in Bolivia. Project Subcontract 21.22 Biodiversity Conservation in the Titicaca Basin System, Desaguadero, poop, Salar de Coipasa (TDPS). Binational Authority of Lake Titicaca (UNDP)-Institute of Ecology-FUNDECO UMSA, La Paz, 114p.
BEJAR PEREZ, E.. 2009. Telmatobius culeus (Garman 1876). Pp 111 to 112. In: Luis F. Aguirre, Rodrigo Aguayo, Jose Balderrama, Claudia Cortez & Teresa Tarifa. Red Book of wildlife vertebrates of Bolivia. Ministry of Environment and Water, La Paz, Bolivia. 571 pp.
RICHARD E. 2010th. CHRONICLE OF A DEATH ANUNCIADA.I. The Titicaca Kenolaba: Rollandia microptera (Reptiles [ex Birds]: Podicipediformes). Environment and Biota of Bolivia, Bulletin n0 1 (1): 32 p. DOWNLOAD
RICHARD E. 2010b. CHRONICLE OF A DEATH ANUNCIADA.II. The Titicaca Kenolaba: Rollandia microptera (Reptiles [ex Birds]: Podicipediformes). Environment and Biota of Bolivia, Bulletin 1 (2): 27 p. DOWNLOAD
RICHARD E. and D. CONTRERAS ZAPATA. 2010. Environmental Education for the third millennium. A tribute to Mother Earth. Course notes for training trainers. Multimedia EcoDreams Ed. 366 p. La Paz, Bolivia. DOWNLOAD
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