The veil dance as we know it emerged in 1940. A Russian ballerina called Ivanova was hired by King Farouk of Egypt to teach their daughters. Samia Gamal later taught and other celebs how to wear the veil to the entrance of the ball and handle it with arms. Ivanova adopted this practice of Caucasian dances of Azerbaijan, which was done with scarves. Samia Gamal became popular dance of the veil in Egyptian theaters and in the U.S. for the film "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" which was exported to other countries. And this is how the Eastern dancers made veiled work in their repertoire.
In this workshop and learn and perfect the technique of veil, also learn to manage double veil from the hand of the great dancer Scheherazade.
Open to all levels.
Date: September 18
Time: 17:00-19:00 h
Location: CDO Covaresa
Sports Centre Price: 22 € (18 € Shazad Dance students and members of the CDO)
Reservations and information:
http: / / sherezadearabe.blogspot.com /
665699661 (Rachel)
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