cells (four images ouka lele) What would have happened? Nothing. I have driven in the first episode. say
because Idol episode has concluded (since the first edition) a new way of presenting a musical narrative for the manufacturing. I'm interested in form rather than what it offers, but for media exposure, filed veiled, signs and ideologies that create a product for packaging and subsequent placement on the shelves of the supermarket. In this case the product is the singer, aspiring to become new commercial phenomenon. But the term commercial not be very accurate: you can not prove that commerciality is at odds with creativity. There are multiple examples. What Idol plays an ideology of cultural products designated by stereotyped and typologies checked in linear assembly line.

Operacion Triunfo Fordism represents the application of the musical environment. All products must be equal to the reference target that plays, so that what is rewarded in the production chain is the equalization

, its proper position in a stratified

consumption category attributes from the logic imposed by the big business music industry, its culmination in the shelves and correct comparison with similar products. It is an ideology based on the infinite. However, the product (ie, the singer) is just one element among all those who operate the gear. What that ideology plays is not really the product itself, but how crowded, through marketing, inserting into the mind of the consumer. The product becomes relevant only in the advertising strategy, but their internal caracteisticas do only supply in a short period of time. The product expires when the industry fails to invest in marketing. Not so much the rhythm of the singer as the artifact of repeat advertising that supports it.

This issue multiplies the effect and the concomitant failure. The issue is not demonizing your hostess, Pilar Rubio. Television logic, based on the trappings of audience data, transfers its inability to host, in a sense, has provided what is missing from the ideologies of the music industry on a large scale and audience medÃmetros: emotion. The issue occurs even clearer when the narrative of the program lacks plot and the host becomes the scapegoat. It is the narrative itself that exposes its own shortcomings in the assembly (Jury members are its workers). The products are not defective because they can not perform its function (singing) but because they lack identity, or what in terms of market could be called brand attributes or value in dispute. One exception: Jefferson. Perhaps the only one that provides something different, an unusual timbre, a malleable but overreaching image from Manga comics, photographs of the magazine Super Pop-pop and delirium evoked by the color saturation of the culture of the 60's. If we start from that base (Jefferson as an exception), we consider the premise that the industry will put all the machinery in place to avoid the distinction
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