Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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It is well known that in the Heritage Carnival match and live a secular and a religious component, and depending on the time it was developing a componet prevailed over the other.
Although the religious component before us does not have anything to do with the Souls in Purgatory, it is significant and remarkable. And tomorrow, Friday of Carnival, is also the first Friday of March. As you all know tomorrow practically coincide in time the opening of our Carnival and the Via Crucis which organizes the Brotherhood of the peasant with the image of Christ of Medinaceli. Via Crucis
This has almost always been framed within the cults of Lent but the remoteness in time at which this year falls on Easter Sunday, will give us the herencianos a unique sight on the streets of the town: two public demonstrations of two emotions: devotion and joy of a people. Undoubtedly
Carnival on Friday, a Friday opening speech, sprinkled with touches brothers.


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