visual experimentation sometimes works as a blender criticism that under the cutting action of the blades at full capacity, liquid extracts discursive a historic moment, a fluid that oozes through the cracks. It is an impossible fiction, paranoid, decentralized, but not inconsistent in their results. The comix officiated from the ground transitional countercultural underground, in Spain in the 70, turns the living displaced from the social and political events on a limited format and visual opposition and lucidity. Opposition
because it is an option to the narrative logic of the democratization process, made from the highest institutional and political pact to leave the city out of its occurrence. Lucidity
because come on, described and translated into English sociological imagination new lifestyles located on the margins of this system and spreads through the social space new themes, unpublished during Franco (environmentalism, anti-psychiatry, homosexuality, sustainable urbanism, etc.)..

The English underground comix of the 70 drew a line of flight from the reformist ideological indoctrination magazines and fanzines those who risked the race, at a time when censorship and danger Social Law was still applied to any element considered (subjectively by the forces of order) antisocial or subversive. We talked about magazines like The Roll masked , Purita ,

, Sting

so publications that have been buried under the ruins Cultural Transition. Years therefore renewal. The English underground comix forward a formula for social protest and makes it accessible through the dissemination of new patterns of life associated with generational change and youth. In short, it acts as a transmitter and agent of change, just as it could be considered the period, cultural awareness, from the books printed in those magazines. As an example, I quote a story cartoonist and illustrator Sánchez Pérez, published in the journal Star (1978, Nos. 39 and 42). It summarizes, in an experimental comic, some recurring themes figure in the underground: rock, drugs, criticism of the system (political) and sexual disinhibition.
This is his argument: 1) The prevailing rock. Elvis is king and everyone dances rock and roll. People are happy. Then appear different historical figures related to politics: Lenin, Franco, Hitler, Mao, Che Guevara, Stalin. 2) Rock and Roll is a dictatorship and people are demanding freedom. Hitler cuts his head off Elvis. 3) Hitler and his fellow travelers assembled a group of music. Che Guevara is the drums and the vocal group Hitler. But people refuse to dance. 4) explodes a bomb. But people prefer to have sex. Sex becomes the new freedom. It says: "So nuevamete people know happiness again but of course the usual malcontents were soon to appear." 5) These are unhappy Felipe Gonzalez and Adolfo Suarez, stars of the Democratic Trasición English. Assassinate Hitler. We can also see the corpse of Che Guevara and Franco. 6) Felipe Gonzalez and Adolfo Suarez dream rise to power. The text reads: "... Elaborating on the thought of Francisco Franco concludes that to implement their ideals should become owners the world. " A visit to the Banco de Vizcaya clarifies the road. 7) In the next segment of the population threaten the world with a nuclear bomb trigger. Contradictariamente with it what they claim is "an all superdemocracia where everyone is free ..." says Adolfo Suarez. 8) World leaders agree to the threat and appoint Adolfo Suarez and Felipe Gonzalez presidents of all nations. Adolfo Suarez is threatened by a possible conspiracy against him. He says: "If I perish I perish the world with me." 9) and activates the pump. Explodes. In the next image appears Felipe Gonzalez fucked with heroin. Postscript: In a sense, the history works (On a metaphorical level) in the context of cultural criticism and political manipulation to counter the perception system covenants of Democratic Trasición. The image of Felipe Gonzalez prick could represent different things, for example, their desire for political leadership at the expense of a waiver of the traditional ideological system of the PSOE, which until then was added to Marxism and leftist positions away from a liberal .
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